Friday, October 30, 2009

Tv Program Propasal Samples

Agenda 21 and the Kyoto Protocol

Agenda 21 is a program of action for Sustainable Development established in 1992 at the Rio Summit de Janeiro, Brazil. The number 21 is the 21st century. This text has been signed by 173 countries. It highlights the need to fight against poverty, environmental degradation and the development of a solidarity economy. Since 1992, Agenda 21 are born worldwide.
source of the map:

About 300 organizers 21 are in place in France. In the Loire, this is the case, for example Angers, Nantes .... They can be driven by regions, departments, municipalities or intermunicipal (Communities of metropolitan, urban community, a community of Commons).

Click on the document below to see the Agenda 21 at different scales in France

To grow sustainably, we must reconcile three spheres: environmental, social and economic
- limit the negative impact of our activities on the environment,
- promote the well being of all,
- ensuring economic strength.

source schema: 20actifs/Agenda 2021/Devlpt-dur-schema.jpg

protocol Kyoto is the result of negotiations following the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. It was signed 11 December 1997 and entered into force February 16, 2005. It sets quotas for each country's emissions of greenhouse gases, expressed in tonnes of CO2. The 183 signatory countries have made commitments on emissions of greenhouse gas emissions:
Click on the document below to see the problems of emissions of greenhouse gases at different scales

In 2008, a global market for emission rights is born:
- If a country emits less gas than its quota, it obtains the rights issue. These rights are expressed in CO ² the difference between the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by this country and the quota to be met.
- If a country exceeds its quota of several tons of CO2, he can buy emission rights to another country, thus avoiding punishment.
Since 2005, this market already exists between the major European companies. So the richest countries like the U.S. can buy a right to pollute!

greenhouse gases s wanders (GHGs) are gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. The increase in their concentration in the atmosphere is causing global warming. The main greenhouse gases emitted by human activity are:

  • water vapor (H2O),
  • carbon dioxide (CO2);
  • methane (CH4);
  • nitrous oxide ( or N2O);
  • ozone (O3)
Definition of greenhouse gases derived from
web list

A flash animation of AFP explaining the greenhouse effect: a natural phenomenon amplified by human activity (thank you David Landry me have reported). This article
Futura-Sciences explains the dangers caused by global warming

The French portal of the Agenda 21:
Agenda 21 of the region Pays de la Loire:

Emmanuel Maugard

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wife Stronger Husband

Germany walled

Photography Royalty free. Source: Wikipedia, the Berlin Wall

Until the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, zoom in on Germany in the heart of the Cold War.

During the Cold War, Germany was divided into West Germany (Western and liberal) and GDR (East and Communist). To stem the flow of Germans from East to West, the GDR erected fortified borders, including the Berlin Wall in 1961. This video

3D DW-World perfectly explains the functioning of borders and the Berlin Wall.

An article that can be completed by: *
reading the Wikipedia article on the Berlin Wall . * A
virtual exhibition on the Berlin Wall *
the official website of the City of Berlin on the wall, with an interactive map

Mullier Thanks to Nicole for the link and the presentation of video on the list H-French.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ap Bio Prompt Osmosis

newspaper for teenagers on Human Rights

Amnesty International has launched a new magazine for teens.
He called AJ.
The first issue has just appeared.
What is found there?

is what is says on the website:
"- a topical issue on" Those who have not been back to school, "a world tour of the injustice of child labor,
- Page "why and how" shedding light on the situation of Tibet,
- temptations cultural and offset the criticism of the movie or presentation Hunger Site,
- an interview, readers will discover Jun is a comic book artist and cartoonist for Charlie Hebdo whose favorite subjects are French politics and human rights.

Finally, "AJ! "Naturally leaves room for militant action with information and ways to get involved."

To visit the site and download the paper here or click on thumbnail:
http://www / index.php / amnesty / act / youth / informe_toi / magazine_aj


Monday, October 5, 2009

Free Superhero Mmo Games

Migration in today's world

Report Programs UN Development 2009 has been published. It emphasizes the fundamental role Migration as a lever development, an idea against the current policies in many developed countries. This video
situations of several migrants around the world and can understand why they migrate and what are the living conditions of migrants.

You can go directly to the report in French and other videos clicking this link.