Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gameshark Cheats Pokemon Orange

Message received November 5, 2008

I can not put my signature to this text because of its shortcomings critical in my opinion: 1 °

allusion to "reform recruitment of teachers, "strange concept when a huge pan of teacher training and status of Public Service 1946 is annihilated

2 ° feigned naivete on" presence in [the jury] "representatives of civil society" in the jury, "even if the LRU has clarified the meaning given by the ministry responsible for this" presence "control of teacher training provided to employers' organizations, under their ancient claim, particularly compelling since 1968.

3 silence on attachment to a single, national competition. The sentence "The moratorium should at least allow the development of a clear national framework for new Masters prepared by discipline "can not even go that far: that would be the" maximum "? Academics have therefore launched a petition of the "minimum", surprising given the severity of the destruction process of the French university in progress. 4 °

silence on the issue of positions to be filled and their nature (see next point).

5 ° motion of a "moratorium on the implementation of the new provisions" coupled with the refusal to "take this position in the overall scheme of arrangement proposed by the ministry." It seems appropriate to consider as a "partner" well prepared by a ministry decree destroyed the foundations of the university and teacher training, but only on grounds of alleged "Precipitation" in the "About [ition]". One can only wonder at the silence "on the general economy [a] device" liquidating, among others, by decree of 30 October (the successive blows almost daily), the status of the 1984 teacher-researchers, decree which provides an answer to the question of future status positions (see above).

The moratorium would allow us to "participate in an emergency, an exchange of views and debate on the new Masters 'teaching' and how the new competitive examinations for recruitment of teachers." What competition?, CAPES disappeared? After this exchange between us, what shall we do when the department, which meant by regulation veto against any "exchange" will maintain its decree on the CAPES like all those who define "the general economy of" non- not "proposed" but he declared. We ask for more as the wife of Bluebeard time the executioner relying on the services of "Sister Anne"?

No lesson is drawn from the disappointments that have hosted the vain hopes placed by the organization SLR in the goodwill of the department, unfounded confidence that has paralyzed the resistance personnel. Opposed to liquidation of the French education system, I ask simply that a petition against the death of the unique competition and national recruitment of teachers to establish "at least" a clear list of objectives and actions of resistance. The pathetic appeal to "not be silent" unpropos accurate guess.

Thank you for disseminating the explanation of my refusal to sign the signatory colleagues.


Annie Lacroix-Riz, professor, modern history, University Paris 7


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