Saturday, November 8, 2008

Virus In Back Of Neck

Teacher training: a" business "liquidation

"The recruitment of teachers are will move from bin to bin plus 3 plus 5 "is to say, one level at a master license. Information is taken up by various media for several weeks. Great progress: two years of study plus two additional years of accumulated knowledge. Who will complain? future teachers are more educated are better able to teach their disciplines.
Okay, but that is false, completely false. We recruit teachers today are more in tray 3? No. Let the calculation: at present, after a license, so at most 3 tray, a student has the option-e to enter a contest of teaching, he or she will contest after months of intensive work to complement and deepen their knowledge in the discipline or disciplines, he or she teaches. In the best case, it is already four years to graduate for a successful competition. In reality, it is only the theoretical part of the competition because after this first year, former students become teacher-trainees are. They are paid and spend a year alternating between the University Institute of Teacher Training (IUFM) and classes in which they teach or they few hours each week. A busy year, too, perhaps, with multiple formations, a refresher scientist (especially for art-school teacher who must be multi-es), analysis of teaching sessions, teaching and contributions educational exchanges on their practices in classrooms, writing a professional report Currently ...
is therefore well at least after five years of advanced training that is entering the profession. Communicating the increased demands of training for teachers are not, therefore, a strictly accountant, but smoke and mirrors.
Another component of corporate communications: improving vocational training. What is planned? From the academic year 2010-2011, the future teacher-es-es will pass, during their second year of the Master, a new recruitment competition with theoretical written test, then the "oral examination for admission" with including a virtual teaching session presented to a jury. Until then, and worse, until the next school term, the future or e-teacher may never have crossed e of students in a occupational status: internships in institutions, who currently plays a key role in training, will be optional.
So after five years of study very theoretical - and very little professionalization - that new teachers are suddenly discover their new profession with a full-time service (eg for secondary education, at least 18 hours per week instead of 6 to 8 hours for a current e-training), with the help of an "experienced teacher" and with opportunities for training, but provided outside school hours and on the basis of volunteering. Of course, they laugh at us again, most importantly, we put the quality of education at risk. Any teacher-e, any trainer or trainer, knows that early in the trade are difficult, as the initial preparation of course is very heavy, that the link between practice and analysis of practices takes time, and that year of vocational training, as is the case now, is already very short.

The trap seems rude, but yet it works. Iron law of effective communication: simplicity of the message. The "plan com" Ministry of Education operates marvel leaking information, make a few announcements as spectacular trial balloons, let them settle the confusion between what is the rumor and the official about chasing "information" in another to feel dizzy and unions media, and especially to go fast. Emerge while a few "truths" simple, full of apparent common sense, and therefore more easily occasions. It is through this that untruths are spread gradually in the minds, thus validating a project that we believe will significantly degrade the training of teachers. It also allows the government to save money substantial - not a detail, it is even a purpose of the project - since, unlike the teacher-trainees are now paid during their training year, most prospective students will master finance their studies.
We do not criticize any a priori commitment to reform and that any system needs to reform permanently. We are well placed to know that the operation of IUFM and training of teacher-es can and should be improved. But it seems that the government project, kindly relayed by some media does in fact to weaken the public education system, that saves resources and that, behind a very effective communication plan, there is no real reform project.

Patrick Blancodini
Gilles Boyer
Pascal Clerc
Catherine Vercueil
Michelle Zancarini-Fournel (teacher-es at the University Lyon 1, IUFM of the Academy of Lyon)


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